Shockwave Therapy Shoulder Impingement

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Shockwave Therapy

Industry leading Swiss Dolorclast Shockwave treatment now available

Research backed, innovative & state of the art treatment providing pain relief, tissue healing & injury recovery

Clinically proven and recommended by the National Institute of health & Clinical Excellence (NICE)

what is Shoulder Impingement?

  • Shoulder impingement is often referred to as swimmers shoulder due to the repeated overhead motions carried out by swimmers

  • Impingement is when the supraspinatus tendon of the rotator cuff rubs against the acromion (shoulder blade) due to a narrowing of the space between these two structures. The tendon can be repeatedly pinched or impinged leading to tissue injury, inflammation and pain.

  • Symptoms include sudden catching pain when lifting your arm overhead or backwards. Pain can occur at night causing sleep disturbance

  • Impingement can occur after a fall onto an outstretched arm but is more typically a gradual process caused by wear and tear and overuse of the shoulder

  • Impingement is more common in sports requiring repetitive overhead shoulder movements such as tennis or swimming

Shockwave Therapy For Shoulder Impingement

  • Shock waves are passed through the skin to the injured part of the shoulder using a special hand held probe.

  • The shock waves applied promote blood flow and stimulate stem cell activity in the tissue providing pain relief while increasing the healing response

  • Evidence based treatment protocols recommend a minimum of 3 treatments, each 7-10 days apart. More treatments may be indicated and this will be assessed on an individual basis