Online (video) Physiotherapy Appointments - FAQs

Physio Effect has been planning for a while to offer remote services to our clients, wherever in the world they may be and we are delighted to offer online appointments to people who are unable to, or just prefer not to travel to either of our clinic locations here in Glasgow. If you are interested in booking a virtual appointment, please call us directly at the clinic on 0141 230 4766.

We understand that there may be some questions around how it works, and we hope we have answered them below - if not, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!

When you join your 1:1 appointment, you’ll see this screen (no software or downloads needed)

When you join your 1:1 appointment, you’ll see this screen (no software or downloads needed)

during the online consultation

during the online consultation

How does this process work?

The online physio service is very straightforward. Call the clinic directly to make an appointment on 0141 230 4766 the reception team can take payment for your appointment over the phone.

Whilst on your device with a camera (laptop/ tablet/ smart phone), you click on the link you are emailed at your appointment time. Your physiotherapist will appear on a box on your screen. 

You can then let them know about your injury/ or concern and any specific goals you have. They will ask you some questions and ask you to perform some movements during the assessment.  They will then offer the appropriate advice/ exercises to help you reach your goals. 

What are the benefits of this online physio?

  • Convenience - you can have expert guidance at a time/ location which suits you

  • No travel - this cuts out travel costs & time. It also is in line with social distancing measures in place for COVID -19. 

  • Quick assessment following an injury - no need to wait a few days or weeks for an appointment.

  • Evidence - a number of studies show that online physiotherapy is as effective and sometimes preferred to a face to face service. (Grona et al. 2018, Kruse et al. 2017, Speyer et al. 2018)

Do I need to download some software before the session?

No, we provide the data protected, secure platform needed.

How long are the sessions?

A typical initial session would be 30 minutes and 15 minutes for follow ups. If you have a complex or multiple injury, you can book a 45 minute time slot. 

The physio won’t be able to feel my injury or give manual therapy - how will this impact the session?

In a face to face session, it is normal for the physio to feel the injured body part, if appropriate. Although this can give some clues as to what the issue is, this forms a very small part of the assessment. In point of fact the bulk of information is obtained in the questions they ask about your injury, which is then clarified further with some observed physical movements. This can all be done very easily in the online format.

The lack of manual therapy is reflected in the reduced appointment times and cost. Many studies (too many to list!) show that manual therapy has limited long term effect. The most effective way to resolve a musculoskeletal injury is to follow the appropriate advice and exercises. 

How shall I prepare for my session?

Be in a quiet & well-lit room. After this, there is no need to do anything in particular, however you could have any questions you want to ask or details about your injury to hand. 

How do the Online Clinical Pilates/Yoga Classes work?

One of our Ante-natal Clinical Pilates Classes being enjoyed over Zoom

One of our Ante-natal Clinical Pilates Classes being enjoyed over Zoom

1:1 Clinical Pilates sessions will work in the same way as Physio Appointments with just you and the instructor - however you will need a bit more space (see below).

For the group classes,you’ll be emailed a link to a Zoom meeting which you should click on at the time of your class. Once you’ve joined, you’ll see the instructor, as well as any other members of the class on the screen (a maximum of 5 participants plus the instructor). You have the option to view just the ‘speaker’ or use ‘gallery’ view to see everyone. As in a face-to-face class, you’ll be given prescriptive exercises based on your pre-assessed clinical needs. 

Do I still need a 1:1 Physiotherapy appointment before I start any classes? 

If you are new to the classes, you are required to have a 1:1 physiotherapy appointment prior to joining a group class. This will allow the physiotherapist instructor to complete an assessment and plan your exercises according to your clinical needs i.e. relating to your injury or your current stage of pregnancy if you are joining the ante-natal class. The appointment will take 30 mins and you can book this type of online appointment by calling the clinic on 0141 230 4766.

What do I need to do to prepare for my Clinical Pilates/ Clinical Yoga sesson?

You will need ample floor space and ideally an exercise mat. Have ready any Pilates/Yoga equipment you have available at home (i.e. blocks/bands/weights/foam roller etc). In absence of any, we can improvise! Set up your mat a couple of metres in front of your device (laptop/tablet) or as best as you can as your space allows and so the instructor can have a full view of you during the session. Have the light on to make sure you are well lit also.

How do I pay for my appointment?

For the majority of appointments, you’ll pay by card over the phone at the time of booking, or, during your appointment. If you already have money on account with us, we can take the fee out of existing credit.

I have Private Medical Insurance. Can I use this for online physio appointments?

Yes, you can, we have had confirmation from all the insurance companies we work with that they are happy to accept online consultations during the current COVID-19 pandemic - just let us know when you call the clinic on 0141 230 4766 that you are covered by private medical insurance.

I need to cancel/ reschedule my appointment - what do I do?

Appointments can be cancelled without fee up to 24hrs in advance - please click on the cancellation link in your confirmation email.

Late Cancellations (within 24hrs) incur a % charge and failure to attend an appointment will incur the full cost of the appointment.