
Proprioception Drills for Hill Runners

Proprioception Drills for Hill Runners

Trail and hill running as a sport is demanding on our bodies. Common injuries are often as a result of overloading an area of the body not able to meet the demands placed on it, particularly as running is a repetitive, high-impact activity. Here are some of our favourite exercises to help improve strength, proprioception and build fatigue resistance to improve your running economy.

Foam Rolling: What is it? What’s the Evidence? How to apply it!

Foam Rolling: What is it? What’s the Evidence? How to apply it!

Self-myofascial release is a name given to the use of equipment or tools to perform self-massage and stretching with the aim of increasing joint range of motion and improving muscle recovery and performance. One of the most commonly used tools is a foam roller. You will often see people in gyms attempting to manoeuvre their bodies in various positions over one of these rollers.